Participate in the START2ACT Energy Saving Challenge!

Participate in the START2ACT Energy Saving Challenge!

The final edition of START2ACT Energy Saving Challenge is running until February 28th, 2019.

You have one month to win our prizes and get promoted on our networks, expanding your target audience by thousands of new viewers.


At the same time, we wanted to share the creative ideas of energy saving actions shared by our November and December winners.

One Bamboustics green phone speaker – is going to Romanian Tro GO scooter sharing company, that promotes e-scooter smart mobility systems in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save energy by using Kinetic recovery energy systems.

Another Bamboustics speaker will be sent to the Ministry of Text from the Netherlands, whose staff demonstrated energy efficiency behaviour by cycling to the office.


What is the secret energy efficient ingredient in your office? Show us and win similar prizes or even a smart Energomonitor! Send your photos or videos to or use the hashtag #S2Achallenge to showcase your energy saving practices on Facebook or Twitter.

Additionally, stay tuned, as soon we’ll share the insights from our winners on energy saving tips and START2ACT’s impact on their business activities.

Tip of the day
Check your out of hours energy consumption by taking a meter reading at the end of the day and in the morning. The difference is the amount of electricity wasted EVERY day. Now hunt down as many things as possible to bring this closer to zero.

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